Posted on March 24th, 2015
Every now and then I have a moment that lacks clarity. As I respond to daily email, ship out another order, or reach for inspiration to create new Luna Leggings designs, I stop for a moment to ponder ‘Why’ – ‘Why Luna Leggings? What’s the purpose? Is this still the best choice for our family? Is this what I what I want to be doing right now?’ And honestly, some days I lack clarity…..
However, often I’m crystal – there is no question in my mind! Like when I received this heartwarming letter from Eve’s mom, there was no question. Eve’s ‘Love for Luna’ gives me total clarity as to why I choose Luna. When other’s recognize the culmination of my quest to find the best feeling, best wearing, organic cotton tights, my work has meaning.
I’d love to share Eve’s story with you – Eve inspires me so much that I plan to dedicate our Fall/Winter 15 Collection proceeds to Autism + Asperger’s Syndrome research (organization tbd) and other children like Eve. I’m so grateful to learn Eve’s story- it gives so much meaning to the ‘Why’ Luna Leggings exists. Hope you will find inspiration as well!
~ Jennie
Designer + Founder, Luna Leggings
Sweet Eve!
Dear Luna Leggings,
I have to just take a moment to say “thank you” for something you may not expect to be a result of your leggings line.
We discovered Luna Leggings through a friend several years ago and have always been fans of the super cute designs for our girls, Eve, age 4 and Stella, age 2. Now, we are not just fans, we are faithful supporters as our 4 year old Eve will ONLY wear her Luna Leggings and a dress…every single day for the past 6 months.
Our sweet Eve has Aspergers Syndrome (or high functioning Autism). This, for her, involves obsessions, rituals, and sensory processing disorder. Eve struggles with seams, pants being either too loose or too tight or the “wrong” color. She literally cannot wear socks because it “hurts” her to have the top of them rubbing on her skin no matter the style. All of this can send her into a complete traumatic melt-down. Getting dressed is one of the daily rituals that has literally crippled our family for the past 2 years, and has been torturous for Eve as she struggles to find things that feel ok on her body.
Eve loves her Lunas…we got to a point where I was washing them daily so she could keep wearing them over and over again with her favorite Old Navy dress; I finally realized that this was the answer for her with this particular struggle. I bought numerous pairs of Lunas and the same Old Navy dress in every color and pattern offered. Now, Eve gets up, grabs a dress and a pair of Lunas and is on her way…ZERO struggle, ZERO meltdown.
Stella + Eve putting on a show in their Luna Leggings!
We live in Iowa, and tights/leggings typically are not conducive to Iowa winters, or durable enough to stand up to daily wear…but these tights are incredible. The thickness is just enough to keep her warm, they wash and wear light iron, and with just one seam on each foot, her struggle with pants and socks is gone.
I have tears in my eyes now as I share this with you because it is such a relief for me that in a world that is full of struggles for my daughter, she now has one less. My gratitude to your company for this is unending. Who would think a mama would be crying over leggings?!
Feeling silly in our Luna’s – sweet sisters, Stella + Eve!
I do yoga therapy and mindfulness teaching with children and especially enjoy my work with Eve and children like her. In the next year, I plan to add a boutique to my studio that carries products for children struggling with these issues. Luna Leggings is on my list!
To whomever this email reaches…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from one Luna loving mama and her sweet girl.
One Response to “Little Eve’s Love for Luna…..”
Patrick Pernice October 12th, 2015 at 11:19 am
This is a very nice story.